We're based on the book series Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. We're an (account per player) roleplay with no word count or character limit. We're set far off into the future when the tales of Firestar and the Great Journey have faded from living memory. The story now is told by YOU. Will you brave the wilds as a warrior? Enjoy the solitude of the loner life? Or purr-haps you enjoy being pampered like a kittypet! All of which, you can enjoy here! Our goal here is to recreate the feel of the early years of Warriors RP. Back when it was all about the community and having fun! Without the pressures of whatever ails you in the real world: school, work, life in general! So kick back, relax, and have fun with your fellow Warriors fans!
Moon 205-208
Hot and Muggy
Temperatures rise as the days lengthen. The heat and humidty have the world slowing to a crawl. What lies on the horizon may be blue skies or fierce tempests.
All bans exclude characters posted before July 2024
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Rogues and Kittypets
Warriors and Queens
Apprentices and Kits
Sister Sites
FIVE CLANS was created by the staff team. All content user and staff writter is copyrighted to FIVE CLANS AND IT'S RESPECTIVE WRITERS. The site skin was made by Archiviste. Let's celebrate individuals and credit their work! Skin images are credited to PIXABAY.
The last half-moon meeting found Acorntwig, the clan's medicine cat, given a dire warning.
Thunderclan's camp is empty, but for a small flower. He approaches it to get a closer look, but slowly the flower is covered in frost. Once it is covered completely, a black shadow swallows it up before the shadow gets big enough to swallow everything.
Danger looms over the clan. It is up to Thunderclan to determine what and how to protect their clan.
At the last half-moon meeting, Shadwoclan's medicine cat Dusklight recieved a warning.
In the Shadowclan camp, the sky is overcast, and a thunder rumbles heavily enough to shake her bones. A bright flash of lightning crashes down onto the nursery, setting it ablaze.
Something threatents the peace of Shadowclan. It is up to the clan to determine what and how to protect their clan.
[attr="class","about"]About: Pellentesque ultricies porta elit, sed ornare diam fermentum et. Duis non quam convallis, cursus magna quis, egestas magna. Integer at libero consequat, dictum turpis vitae, maximus nisl. Nunc quis tortor tristique, lacinia massa quis, efficitur felis. Nunc ut ipsum a tellus fermentum fringilla at ut quam. Aliquam purus nulla, mollis nec sollicitudin quis, varius vehicula diam. Cras nec justo non nibh volutpat tincidunt. Integer quis leo justo. Mauris auctor risus vel tincidunt tempus. Donec tempor suscipit lacus, et efficitur lectus lacinia eget. Nullam ultrices, nisl at porta iaculis, sem odio pretium felis, quis suscipit erat purus sit amet arcu.
[attr="class","info"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta metus ex, nec vestibulum mi dictum eu. Fusce sed ligula pulvinar, consequat dolor at, volutpat lacus. Proin at est sem. Integer consectetur porttitor ultricies. Etiam feugiat euismod laoreet. Duis egestas est hendrerit justo posuere finibus. Quisque nec egestas lacus. Sed sit amet ante leo. Sed rutrum lacinia velit. Sed ex nisl, elementum ac nisi non, volutpat sollicitudin elit. Cras pulvinar volutpat nisi et laoreet. Fusce luctus dapibus ligula.[break][break]
Pellentesque ultricies porta elit, sed ornare diam fermentum et. Duis non quam convallis, cursus magna quis, egestas magna. Integer at libero consequat, dictum turpis vitae, maximus nisl. Nunc quis tortor tristique, lacinia massa quis, efficitur felis. Nunc ut ipsum a tellus fermentum fringilla at ut quam. Aliquam purus nulla, mollis nec sollicitudin quis, varius vehicula diam. Cras nec justo non nibh volutpat tincidunt. Integer quis leo justo. Mauris auctor risus vel tincidunt tempus. Donec tempor suscipit lacus, et efficitur lectus lacinia eget. Nullam ultrices, nisl at porta iaculis, sem odio pretium felis, quis suscipit erat purus sit amet arcu.[break][break]
Nam elementum quis nibh at hendrerit. Duis vel dui quis enim suscipit fermentum. Phasellus elementum auctor egestas. Donec non nunc et arcu dapibus venenatis non id arcu. Mauris faucibus felis velit, eu faucibus leo porta vel. Sed et interdum nisi, semper euismod sapien. Suspendisse ac facilisis dolor, nec lobortis libero. Etiam faucibus erat ac ex vulputate, ut hendrerit turpis ultrices. Ut aliquet ligula sed finibus mattis. Donec ut metus in mi convallis mattis vitae ac nisl. Maecenas ut ultricies dui. Pellentesque tellus nisi, consectetur sed quam nec, laoreet fringilla odio.[break][break]
Nam non consequat lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam sed odio non massa convallis porta vitae at mi. Cras pulvinar velit augue, eget sodales augue tempor sit amet. Sed nec dignissim purus, id scelerisque tellus. Integer volutpat vel justo sit amet dignissim. Nunc nec nulla vitae risus faucibus pulvinar. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque nibh lorem, porta quis diam eu, malesuada euismod nisl.[break][break]
Suspendisse ornare eros sit amet pharetra aliquet. Mauris finibus eros purus, at finibus sem dictum varius. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas et auctor erat. Ut non tincidunt ante. Morbi ultrices, turpis ac facilisis efficitur, lectus sapien egestas tortor, a faucibus dui ante quis mauris. Sed eros nibh, sodales hendrerit magna et, mattis viverra nisl. Etiam mattis dui nisl, in pellentesque massa vulputate a. Sed posuere nulla vitae quam ultrices tincidunt. Proin consectetur, diam eget euismod consectetur, nisl orci faucibus erat, et mattis turpis orci et turpis. Sed at diam eu eros bibendum finibus. Vivamus maximus fringilla augue ac gravida. Integer at turpis id sem laoreet cursus sed ut nunc. Pellentesque sit amet sollicitudin velit, ut auctor turpis. Sed dolor lacus, semper at auctor id, pretium et leo.
[attr="class","info"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta metus ex, nec vestibulum mi dictum eu. Fusce sed ligula pulvinar, consequat dolor at, volutpat lacus. Proin at est sem. Integer consectetur porttitor ultricies. Etiam feugiat euismod laoreet. Duis egestas est hendrerit justo posuere finibus. Quisque nec egestas lacus. Sed sit amet ante leo. Sed rutrum lacinia velit. Sed ex nisl, elementum ac nisi non, volutpat sollicitudin elit. Cras pulvinar volutpat nisi et laoreet. Fusce luctus dapibus ligula.[break][break]
Pellentesque ultricies porta elit, sed ornare diam fermentum et. Duis non quam convallis, cursus magna quis, egestas magna. Integer at libero consequat, dictum turpis vitae, maximus nisl. Nunc quis tortor tristique, lacinia massa quis, efficitur felis. Nunc ut ipsum a tellus fermentum fringilla at ut quam. Aliquam purus nulla, mollis nec sollicitudin quis, varius vehicula diam. Cras nec justo non nibh volutpat tincidunt. Integer quis leo justo. Mauris auctor risus vel tincidunt tempus. Donec tempor suscipit lacus, et efficitur lectus lacinia eget. Nullam ultrices, nisl at porta iaculis, sem odio pretium felis, quis suscipit erat purus sit amet arcu.[break][break]
Nam elementum quis nibh at hendrerit. Duis vel dui quis enim suscipit fermentum. Phasellus elementum auctor egestas. Donec non nunc et arcu dapibus venenatis non id arcu. Mauris faucibus felis velit, eu faucibus leo porta vel. Sed et interdum nisi, semper euismod sapien. Suspendisse ac facilisis dolor, nec lobortis libero. Etiam faucibus erat ac ex vulputate, ut hendrerit turpis ultrices. Ut aliquet ligula sed finibus mattis. Donec ut metus in mi convallis mattis vitae ac nisl. Maecenas ut ultricies dui. Pellentesque tellus nisi, consectetur sed quam nec, laoreet fringilla odio.[break][break]
Nam non consequat lectus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam sed odio non massa convallis porta vitae at mi. Cras pulvinar velit augue, eget sodales augue tempor sit amet. Sed nec dignissim purus, id scelerisque tellus. Integer volutpat vel justo sit amet dignissim. Nunc nec nulla vitae risus faucibus pulvinar. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque nibh lorem, porta quis diam eu, malesuada euismod nisl.[break][break]
Suspendisse ornare eros sit amet pharetra aliquet. Mauris finibus eros purus, at finibus sem dictum varius. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas et auctor erat. Ut non tincidunt ante. Morbi ultrices, turpis ac facilisis efficitur, lectus sapien egestas tortor, a faucibus dui ante quis mauris. Sed eros nibh, sodales hendrerit magna et, mattis viverra nisl. Etiam mattis dui nisl, in pellentesque massa vulputate a. Sed posuere nulla vitae quam ultrices tincidunt. Proin consectetur, diam eget euismod consectetur, nisl orci faucibus erat, et mattis turpis orci et turpis. Sed at diam eu eros bibendum finibus. Vivamus maximus fringilla augue ac gravida. Integer at turpis id sem laoreet cursus sed ut nunc. Pellentesque sit amet sollicitudin velit, ut auctor turpis. Sed dolor lacus, semper at auctor id, pretium et leo.
[attr="class","ptpost"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed velit sit amet nibh bibendum mattis. Nam a malesuada sapien. Quisque lobortis posuere enim in volutpat. Donec bibendum tincidunt nibh quis accumsan. Aliquam sagittis lacus ut ligula convallis egestas. Nullam porta dui sed risus maximus, vitae posuere est aliquam. Ut efficitur euismod neque, ac rhoncus ex ullamcorper id. Vivamus eleifend, nunc in imperdiet aliquam, lorem velit rutrum felis, eget vehicula ligula urna a ipsum. Nunc lacus erat, consequat ut nunc tempor, feugiat vulputate diam. Nulla quis lorem quis magna semper mollis. Donec quis accumsan enim. Aenean velit dolor, efficitur euismod elementum a, porta vitae urna. Donec ac nibh euismod, rhoncus nulla accumsan, tristique nisi.[break][break]
Vivamus tortor risus, pellentesque non pretium quis, consectetur a turpis. Pellentesque ut urna ultricies, egestas mauris vel, mattis purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ut molestie eros. Curabitur eget tortor at nibh finibus efficitur vitae eu ligula. In quis nibh sed est pharetra dignissim ac nec eros. Phasellus in diam pharetra, vehicula justo ut, semper tellus. Aenean molestie massa vel ultrices gravida. Mauris orci risus, fringilla id enim a, ornare viverra dui. Maecenas turpis purus, auctor id lacus et, facilisis ultrices sem. Nullam fringilla orci cursus leo consectetur, sit amet malesuada felis mollis. Sed et eleifend tortor. In a sapien id lorem tincidunt porta.[break][break]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat neque id dui tempor, at venenatis tortor consequat. Donec vulputate nibh diam, id placerat nunc mollis vitae. Ut volutpat enim ut nunc porta pellentesque. Praesent vulputate eleifend felis, nec cursus risus tincidunt in. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam nulla sem, egestas dapibus placerat sed, scelerisque eu ante. Praesent tristique risus gravida, commodo enim sit amet, volutpat orci. Phasellus dictum massa ac commodo tincidunt.
[attr="class","thegreattt2"]extra long thread title
[attr="class","ptpost"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed velit sit amet nibh bibendum mattis. Nam a malesuada sapien. Quisque lobortis posuere enim in volutpat. Donec bibendum tincidunt nibh quis accumsan. Aliquam sagittis lacus ut ligula convallis egestas. Nullam porta dui sed risus maximus, vitae posuere est aliquam. Ut efficitur euismod neque, ac rhoncus ex ullamcorper id. Vivamus eleifend, nunc in imperdiet aliquam, lorem velit rutrum felis, eget vehicula ligula urna a ipsum. Nunc lacus erat, consequat ut nunc tempor, feugiat vulputate diam. Nulla quis lorem quis magna semper mollis. Donec quis accumsan enim. Aenean velit dolor, efficitur euismod elementum a, porta vitae urna. Donec ac nibh euismod, rhoncus nulla accumsan, tristique nisi.[break][break]
Vivamus tortor risus, pellentesque non pretium quis, consectetur a turpis. Pellentesque ut urna ultricies, egestas mauris vel, mattis purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ut molestie eros. Curabitur eget tortor at nibh finibus efficitur vitae eu ligula. In quis nibh sed est pharetra dignissim ac nec eros. Phasellus in diam pharetra, vehicula justo ut, semper tellus. Aenean molestie massa vel ultrices gravida. Mauris orci risus, fringilla id enim a, ornare viverra dui. Maecenas turpis purus, auctor id lacus et, facilisis ultrices sem. Nullam fringilla orci cursus leo consectetur, sit amet malesuada felis mollis. Sed et eleifend tortor. In a sapien id lorem tincidunt porta.[break][break]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat neque id dui tempor, at venenatis tortor consequat. Donec vulputate nibh diam, id placerat nunc mollis vitae. Ut volutpat enim ut nunc porta pellentesque. Praesent vulputate eleifend felis, nec cursus risus tincidunt in. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam nulla sem, egestas dapibus placerat sed, scelerisque eu ante. Praesent tristique risus gravida, commodo enim sit amet, volutpat orci. Phasellus dictum massa ac commodo tincidunt.
[attr="class","togeneral"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.
[attr="class","togeneral2"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.[break][break]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.
[attr="class","togeneral2"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.[break][break]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.
[attr="class","togeneral2"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.[break][break]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tristique ligula ac erat gravida tempor. Nulla eu massa accumsan, egestas dui eget, rhoncus erat. Integer blandit rhoncus cursus. Pellentesque auctor faucibus lectus non vehicula. Duis urna est, consectetur eu mollis non, porta vel mauris. Proin finibus blandit aliquet. Nam pulvinar porttitor pellentesque. Etiam nulla dolor, efficitur vitae turpis in, imperdiet aliquet erat.
The current head of the family Yabdoa Volkova's reign has been characterized with a cunning and cruelty greater than previous generations. More than previous family heads, she has inflicted harsher punishments for failure and her tolerance of the weak is minimal to none. With her leadership, the Volkovas have grown greatly in strength and cruelty. [break][break] Under her rule, use of curses and contracts has increased along with their efficiency and strength. The study of curses is now more common than in the past. As a result, a Volkova's curse is that much stronger.
Hirundinem nigrae molares omnes qui non imperant
[attr="class","volkovatranslate]The fangs of black swallow whole those who fail to command them
Power x Pride x Cunning x Fearlessness
[break] Known as the Black Dogs of the High Court, the Volkovas are a family with no morals. A crime family through and through, there is nothing they will not do. For the proper price. Everything from assassination to blackmail, not a single aspect of the underworld lies untouched by the Volkovas. The only ones that the Volkovas will answer to unequivocally are the Enigmas, the current holders of the High Court. For the Enigmas, the black dogs will obey any command without demanding any compensation in return. But only as long as the Enigmas hold power. As a family that values power over all else, only the strong are welcomed into their folds. Failure is not tolerated in any form. And that mindset extends to their masters. If their masters show any weakness, the Volkovas will not hesitate to turn on them. [break][break] As much as the Volkovas value power, they do not tolerate betrayal. Any attempts to abandon or run away will be hunted down. Once a Volkova, always a Volkova. The only sanctioned way to leave the family is to be expelled by the Head. Neither weakness nor failure is tolerated. Displaying either in excess will, at best, lead to expulsion, and at worst, death. To become one of them is to discard one's entire past and arise anew as a member of the Volkovas. While they will accept anyone into their fold, given they show sufficient strength or potential, only those born of Volkova blood may inherit. [break][break]
The magic of the Volkovas is shadow and pain. Most often presenting in shades of black and red, their magic is specialized in the dealing of death and dark arts. Moving in silence, a Volkova's magic is hard to detect and efficient in its methods. Nothing is wasted in magic cast by a Volkova. Ruthless, each spell is always cast with a purpose. [break][break]
A child born to the Volkovas or adopted into their fold is destined for a life of difficulty and blood. They are raised as soldiers and weapons with no need for love or kindness. Even children are not safe from the Volkova's desire for power. The weak are expelled while the strong are praised. Competition is encouraged and deliberately fostered between family members. Once deemed sufficiently skilled in either combat or magic so as not to be a hindrance, children are allowed to take on missions as a pair with an experienced Volkova. But a mission's first priority is success in place of survival. As a result, not all children make it through the Volkova's training. [break][break] Education as a Volkova places the most importance on combat and magic. As a result, most children of the Volkovas end up in the School of Magic or the School of War. Anything not spent in school is expected to be devoted to training and honing one's skills. Wasted time is wasted effort. Only when one has proved their skill may they spend it in sloth. [break][break] At the age of sixteen, a child is considered an adult and may take on solo missions. From this point on, they are free to do as they wish as long as they do not cause trouble for the Volkovas. Though that is what is presented on the surface, not everything is allowed. Once a Volkova, always a Volkova. Any that try to desert without the Head's blessing may find themselves prey to the black dog’s fangs. [break][break]
Only those born of the blood of the Volkovas may inherit the title of Head of the family. The proof of the right is the Volkova name. While the Head may have children, any children born of their Enigma partner are ineligible to inherit. The heir is chosen based on who excels the most in matters of combat and magic, but the major deciding factor is who has the best capability to lead the Volkovas to further prosperity. [break][break] The title of heir does not provide any power or protection though. It can be stripped and given to another if the heir is overshadowed or no longer meets expectations. In the same vein, the heir can be killed without threat of punishment. If the heir gets themselves killed, it simply means they were unfit for the role. As respect must be earned in the Volkovas, the heir must be able to defend themselves from any threat with their own power. [break][break] Upon the Head's resignation or death, the heir assumes the title of Head of the family temporality. The heir permanently assumes headship once married to an Enigma. Until then, they may lose the title to another family member deemed more capable.
The current family to which the Volkovas swear their loyalty. As the present holders of the crown of the High Court, they are the ones the Volkovas will obey first and foremost as long as they hold the crown. The Volkova head is always married to a member of the Enigmas to ensure a strong leash on the black dogs.
The Noyers
A strong magic family absorbed by the Volkovas. Now a branch family of the Volkovas, they are subordinate to the black dogs though their pride remains. They are largely free to act as they wish, bust must answer and comply with any orders given by the Volkovas.
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The Volkovas are OPEN. Post in this thread or DM me (Cheshire) on site or in the discord if interested in making any family members or adding a related family.
A fae of long life and great wisdom, Varisil Noyer has mastered much of the secrets of magic in his years of study. A force to be reckoned with in the magical field, his reign as head has been characterized with a strong focus on magical research of all kinds. He has pushed the family to seek knowledge and broaden their field of comprehension. Wise and fair, he is a leader of great respect amongst his family and his peers.
Nihil pati desideriis vestris finem sequendi
[attr="class","noyertranslate"]Allow nothing to halt the pursuit of your desires
Intellect x Magic x Devotion x Resilience
[break] A family dedicated to magic, the Noyers stand on the forefront of magical ability and research. Their focus is, and always has been, on magic. Every child is gifted with magical ability and taught to value it above all else. Relentless in their pursuit of magic, they will stop at nothing to improve it. As a result, the Noyers often adopt children with potent magical ability or potential. Much of the family is composed of non=blood related members that are still welcomed and treated as full-blooded family members. [break][break] Just like the wisteria, their family symbol, the Noyers are a resilient and devoted family. They are used to weathering the storm and will do anything to continue their magical studies. As a result, they became a branch family of the Volkovas. In exchange for the potent magical ability of the Noyers, the Volkovas would provide them protection and the means to continue their magical research. Thought it meant joining hands with the bloodied black dogs, the Noyers still accepted the deal. As a family devoted to their family and their studies, they will not betray the expectations set before them. A Noyer will protect their family and keep their promises. [break][break]
The magic of the Noyers is vast and rich. As diverse as the world, their magic can display in many different forms. Some may be swift and others more methodical. Their magic may be rugged and difficult or simple and clean. For the Noyers, as their source of pride, their mastery of magic is astronomical. If anyone can do, a Noyer can. [break][break]
Children of the Noyers are often raised close and with many that do not have the blood of the Noyers in them innately. As magical ability is the only thing the Noyers care about, they will often adopt children with great magical ability or potential regardless of their origins. As a result, children of the Noyers are raised to care little about nobility or bloodlines. [break][break] Education and curiosity are heavily fostered and welcomed. The main focus is magic of course. A Noyer's magical education begins far sooner than anything else and is placed first and foremost above all other fields. As a result, all children of the Noyers enter the School of Magic. [break][break] Family members are encouraged to pursue a career focused on magic. Any other occupation is generally frowned upon, but will be tolerated as long as magic is still a large focus of the family member's life. When it comes to magic, a Noyer is freely supported in all possible means. [break][break]
As a family that adopts a lot, any member of the Noyers is eligible to inherit. The only factor the Noyers care about when selecting a heir is magical ability. Whoever displays the greatest magical ability is chosen as the heir. If another displays greater magical ability, the title is given to the better mage. [break][break] Becoming the head of the family is a simple affair. If the current head steps down or dies, the heir will take their place.
As the main branch, the Volkovas are the Noyer's masters. While still free to act on their own, the Noyers must obey the Volkovas.
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The Noyers are OPEN. Post in this thread or DM me (Cheshire) on site or in the discord if interested in making any family members or adding a related family.
[attr="class","flowerspersona"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate, tortor sed pretium posuere, sapien erat sagittis ipsum, vel blandit mauris sem eu enim. Sed sollicitudin sed diam eu euismod. Maecenas vel purus ullamcorper, vehicula nibh dictum, vulputate dui. Quisque sit amet metus rhoncus nulla sagittis fermentum nec at lorem. Curabitur porta suscipit tortor nec gravida. Nam tristique cursus ornare. Sed erat turpis, rutrum eu nisi nec, mattis dictum purus. Sed varius eget nunc congue dictum.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse potenti. Ut ut dui a sem elementum suscipit vitae nec massa. Pellentesque fermentum ornare ex eget ultrices. Etiam efficitur, diam vitae porttitor tristique, lorem magna blandit est, vitae sodales ligula arcu quis metus. Morbi mollis, lacus eget facilisis sollicitudin, est mi laoreet tortor, sed ultrices sem urna sed nunc. Sed lobortis efficitur felis et efficitur. Sed fermentum dapibus felis, in fermentum sapien dignissim ac. Nullam volutpat imperdiet mauris et rhoncus. In et porta elit. Morbi lacinia tortor sit amet pellentesque ullamcorper. Mauris ac purus auctor ipsum vehicula commodo eget vel metus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam quis viverra turpis, at rutrum arcu. Morbi eu consequat turpis. Phasellus porttitor ligula sed libero viverra semper quis in elit. Curabitur viverra orci lacinia lobortis molestie. Ut consectetur diam ac nulla sodales viverra. Proin condimentum, libero ac molestie tincidunt, odio nisi dictum turpis, vitae mollis nunc lorem quis libero. Pellentesque at felis eget neque molestie cursus et ut lectus. Suspendisse iaculis sed velit at vehicula. Quisque at ornare neque. Nam egestas euismod arcu, sit amet tincidunt diam fringilla ut. In sagittis justo felis, bibendum condimentum massa luctus sed. Cras auctor mattis condimentum. Sed maximus velit lorem, sed venenatis magna tristique eget.
[attr="class","flowerspersona1"]trait x trait x trait x trait x trait
[attr="class","flowerspersona1"]trait x trait x trait
[attr="class","flowershistoria"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate, tortor sed pretium posuere, sapien erat sagittis ipsum, vel blandit mauris sem eu enim. Sed sollicitudin sed diam eu euismod. Maecenas vel purus ullamcorper, vehicula nibh dictum, vulputate dui. Quisque sit amet metus rhoncus nulla sagittis fermentum nec at lorem. Curabitur porta suscipit tortor nec gravida. Nam tristique cursus ornare. Sed erat turpis, rutrum eu nisi nec, mattis dictum purus. Sed varius eget nunc congue dictum.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Suspendisse potenti. Ut ut dui a sem elementum suscipit vitae nec massa. Pellentesque fermentum ornare ex eget ultrices. Etiam efficitur, diam vitae porttitor tristique, lorem magna blandit est, vitae sodales ligula arcu quis metus. Morbi mollis, lacus eget facilisis sollicitudin, est mi laoreet tortor, sed ultrices sem urna sed nunc. Sed lobortis efficitur felis et efficitur. Sed fermentum dapibus felis, in fermentum sapien dignissim ac. Nullam volutpat imperdiet mauris et rhoncus. In et porta elit. Morbi lacinia tortor sit amet pellentesque ullamcorper. Mauris ac purus auctor ipsum vehicula commodo eget vel metus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam quis viverra turpis, at rutrum arcu. Morbi eu consequat turpis. Phasellus porttitor ligula sed libero viverra semper quis in elit. Curabitur viverra orci lacinia lobortis molestie. Ut consectetur diam ac nulla sodales viverra. Proin condimentum, libero ac molestie tincidunt, odio nisi dictum turpis, vitae mollis nunc lorem quis libero. Pellentesque at felis eget neque molestie cursus et ut lectus. Suspendisse iaculis sed velit at vehicula. Quisque at ornare neque. Nam egestas euismod arcu, sit amet tincidunt diam fringilla ut. In sagittis justo felis, bibendum condimentum massa luctus sed. Cras auctor mattis condimentum. Sed maximus velit lorem, sed venenatis magna tristique eget.
[attr="class","torchesinfo"]A man as wild and free as the wind. Silas has a blasé, devil-may-care attitude towards life. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants with no regard for the consequences. A chaotic life is where he derives the most enjoyment. As a result of his profession, he keeps few people close. As much as his charming smile can sway someone otherwise, he does not care what happens to anyone. Despite his light demeanor, he will not hesitate to trim the fat so to speak. For those who do manage to break his shield and find a place in his heart, they will find a man steadfast in his loyalty.[break][break]
As an information broker for the underworld, Silas keeps a low profile among the citizenry. While he can be found anywhere, people looking for him usually won't find him. He is quite skilled at hiding himself and maintaining a low cover. If someone is looking for him for business, he will come to them. The best way to locate to Silas Avillio is to not look for him at all.
Thread & Plot Suggestions
Related Wanteds
A Simple Task
Requirements: Non-criminal
Basically, a person with no connection to the underworld at all comes looking for Silas for a simple task. Something you would go to a mundane detective for, not the world's number one information broker. Maybe they're looking for a completely normal map or book. Maybe they lost their ring. Something simple and easy. I think it would be fun to have this be a recurring thing and their relationship grow. It can evolve into something more or just stay a simple tasks.
Trick of the Trade
Requirements: Criminal
Someone comes looking for Silas for information or a job that isn't quite so acceptable. Can be a one time thing or a relationship that grows from there.
Requirements: None
I have no idea what else I could put for thread ideas. I'm terrible at thinking them up. This could be anything. Maybe it's the random button. When I think of something, I will fill this slot.
Silas' original family on his father's side. Black nobles with more blood on their hands than any other. Many canon members are available and original family members are welcomed!
Silas' original family on his mother's side. A family of great mages. Many canon members are available and original family members are welcomed!
A mortal Silas met in his younger days. Their relationship is a complex one and not one Silas will acknowledge as more than business. They haven't seen each other in quite a few years. Who's to tell what will become of them now.
Silas' second-in-command and only friend. They've known each since birth, and Silas has attached the nickname Crowley to him. Crowley is the only one Silas is willing to let his guard down around.
words words words words words words
words words words words words words
Noctis Volkova
38 Years x Male x Royal Guard Captain & Volkova Heir x Fae
[attr="class","torchesinfo"]The Volkova's heir is someone who stands alone. The side he presents to those outside his family is warm and kind, the ideal knight. But the side he presents to the Volkovas is cold and calculating. Both are him, but he wishes dearly to reject one and embrace the other. No matter which side one meets, he keeps himself distant and reticent. He is unwilling to open himself up to others. Every action he takes is calculated, and each is an act. No matter what, Noctis is loyal and honest. Unwavering in his morals, he will do everything in his power to do what he believes is right.[break][break]
Noctis does not wander. He is most often found either at the Volkova residence or at the High Court. In neither place is he relaxed. At home, he is constantly on guard against attack and his own kin. At the High Court, he is his working self, curt and emotionless. In rare cases, he may be found elsewhere, but usually only for missions. A man of business, he is rarely found with free time or simply enjoying himself.
Thread & Plot Suggestions
Related Wanteds
Open Up
Requirements: None
Someone to be a persistent friend that badgers him to no end. End goal is to help Noctis open up and hopefully, give him hope again. Noctis thinks himself trapped in his fate. How it turns out is up to what happens.
Work Buddies?
Requirements: Knight or other worker at the High Court
Work interactions! A meetup at work or maybe they find him elsewhere taking care of his other job.
Requirements: N/A
That's it. I have no idea what else to put here. Here we go again. Hit me up with something!
Silas' original family on his father's side. Black nobles with more blood on their hands than any other. Many canon members are available and original family members are welcomed!
Silas' original family on his mother's side. A family of great mages. Many canon members are available and original family members are welcomed!
[attr="class","torchesinfo"]A quiet person, Asuka perfers to keep to herself. The undersea fae loves nature and the stars above. When it comes to either topic, she is a bottomless wealth of knowledge and delight. But past events have driven a wedge between her and others. She is slow to trust but still retains a kind nature. While she wants to believe in the goodness of others, she was proven again and again to be wrong.[break][break]
As a herbalist and member of the undersea, she is most often found immersed in the nature of the ocean. Despite the supposed peace between the two lands, she does not think its true and only ventures on land if needed. The Undersea is her home and her hearth and where she will be found.
Thread & Plot Suggestions
Related Wanteds
words words words words words words
words words words words words words
words words words words words words
words words owrds owrds
words words owrds owrds
A childhood friend lost to the war. They forged a promise in their younger days. One that Asuka is convinced he does not remember. Now that peace has arrived, they can meet again, but will either remember the other? After years of hardship, their story is just beginning.
[attr="class","nightrunningquote"]Words words words
[attr="class","nightrunning"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed velit sit amet nibh bibendum mattis. Nam a malesuada sapien. Quisque lobortis posuere enim in volutpat. Donec bibendum tincidunt nibh quis accumsan. Aliquam sagittis lacus ut ligula convallis egestas. Nullam porta dui sed risus maximus, vitae posuere est aliquam. Ut efficitur euismod neque, ac rhoncus ex ullamcorper id. Vivamus eleifend, nunc in imperdiet aliquam, lorem velit rutrum felis, eget vehicula ligula urna a ipsum. Nunc lacus erat, consequat ut nunc tempor, feugiat vulputate diam. Nulla quis lorem quis magna semper mollis. Donec quis accumsan enim. Aenean velit dolor, efficitur euismod elementum a, porta vitae urna. Donec ac nibh euismod, rhoncus nulla accumsan, tristique nisi.
Vivamus tortor risus, pellentesque non pretium quis, consectetur a turpis. Pellentesque ut urna ultricies, egestas mauris vel, mattis purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ut molestie eros. Curabitur eget tortor at nibh finibus efficitur vitae eu ligula. In quis nibh sed est pharetra dignissim ac nec eros. Phasellus in diam pharetra, vehicula justo ut, semper tellus. Aenean molestie massa vel ultrices gravida. Mauris orci risus, fringilla id enim a, ornare viverra dui. Maecenas turpis purus, auctor id lacus et, facilisis ultrices sem. Nullam fringilla orci cursus leo consectetur, sit amet malesuada felis mollis. Sed et eleifend tortor. In a sapien id lorem tincidunt porta.
[attr="class","nightrunningquote"]Words words words
[attr="class","proverquote"]words words words words words words
[break] [break]
[attr="class","prover"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sed velit sit amet nibh bibendum mattis. Nam a malesuada sapien. Quisque lobortis posuere enim in volutpat. Donec bibendum tincidunt nibh quis accumsan. Aliquam sagittis lacus ut ligula convallis egestas. Nullam porta dui sed risus maximus, vitae posuere est aliquam. Ut efficitur euismod neque, ac rhoncus ex ullamcorper id. Vivamus eleifend, nunc in imperdiet aliquam, lorem velit rutrum felis, eget vehicula ligula urna a ipsum. Nunc lacus erat, consequat ut nunc tempor, feugiat vulputate diam. Nulla quis lorem quis magna semper mollis. Donec quis accumsan enim. Aenean velit dolor, efficitur euismod elementum a, porta vitae urna. Donec ac nibh euismod, rhoncus nulla accumsan, tristique nisi.
Vivamus tortor risus, pellentesque non pretium quis, consectetur a turpis. Pellentesque ut urna ultricies, egestas mauris vel, mattis purus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris ut molestie eros. Curabitur eget tortor at nibh finibus efficitur vitae eu ligula. In quis nibh sed est pharetra dignissim ac nec eros. Phasellus in diam pharetra, vehicula justo ut, semper tellus. Aenean molestie massa vel ultrices gravida. Mauris orci risus, fringilla id enim a, ornare viverra dui. Maecenas turpis purus, auctor id lacus et, facilisis ultrices sem. Nullam fringilla orci cursus leo consectetur, sit amet malesuada felis mollis. Sed et eleifend tortor. In a sapien id lorem tincidunt porta.
[attr="class","anonanon1"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for relevenat unders chearcte @cass[break][break][break]
[attr="class","anonanon2"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for revelant characters @jazspar[break][break][break]
[attr="class","anonanon3"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for relevenat unders chearcte @dorian[break][break][break]
[attr="class","anonanon4"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for relevenat unders chearcte @luca[break][break][break]
[attr="class","anonanon5"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for relevenat unders chearcte @zinnia[break][break][break]
] [break]
brief descritpion
brief descritpion
[attr="class","anonanon6"][break][break] General annoucnemtn information words words words blad hfa knfap sahf aonce upon a time we had tow downfa sd opsjafn[break][break] [break][break]
Specific Event
Specific Event
tags for relevenat unders chearcte @asuka[break][break][break]
[break] Below is a list of all members and their characters along with a character's faceclaim. Some information is provided to ease writing with fellow members. It is optional to provide the extra information. To have your information added, please fill out the following form:[break][break] Alias: Pronouns: optional Timezone: optional Discord: optional Preferred method of contact: optional; on-site, discord, plotter, no preference Restrictions: optional; anything you are uncomfortable with writing[break][break]
Faceclaim Rules
I. Because ProBoards is PG-13, all faceclaims must be at least 13 years old.[break] II. In the interests of respect, do not use the face of anyone who is deceased.[break] III. All faceclaims must be human. No art or AI generated images.[break] IV. You can provide either the FC’s full name or their social media handle in order to claim them.[break] V. No two members can use the same face, with the exception of identical twins/triplets/etc.[break] VI. You only need to use the code below to change your faceclaim. Otherwise, this list is simply a reference to use to see what faceclaims are already taken.[break] VII. You cannot reserve a faceclaim. Your FC will only be added to the list once your character is accepted.[break][break]
People who do not want to be used as face claims: Anna Pavaga, Diana Pentovich, Emerald Gordon Wulf, Khloe Jae, Kristina Pimenova, McKenna Grace, Mia Hays, Millie-Belle Diamond, Olivia Culpo, Thylane Blondeau, Alice Cheynet, Alicia Danielle Medina, Anastasiya Tychynska, Ashley Osborn, Baek Sumin, Cameron Ugh / Farrah Moan, Dajana Rads, Erika Altosaar, Feryn Suicide, Freida Rose, Jayden Pierce, Jessica Martin, Johanna Herstedt, Josephine Nicole, Lara Jade, Lauren Peralta, Lisa Gaskarth, Morgan Joyce, Trey DeFranco, TwiggX, Zoe Kimball.[break][break]
Changing Faceclaims
Fill out the following form to change faceclaims: [b]Claiming:[/b] Faceclaim name/handle-- username (do not tag) [b]Unclaiming:[/b] Old Faceclaim name/handle[break][break]
[break] Looking for threads? Try an open thread. This directory lists all unclaimed open threads.[break][break]
To have an open thread added to the directory, please fill out the following code: Thread title (link): Available spots: how many characters can join the thread? can be any number to unlimited Location: Requirements: i.e. students only, teachers only, north court only, etc. If not requirements, leave blank or put n/a[break][break]
[attr="class","species2"]The faewild is comprised of four Cardinal Courts, plus the ruling High Court and the Undersea. The Seelie Courts, North and South, are slightly more traditional and straightforward (as much as the fae ever are), which their Unseelie counterparts to the East and West are duplicitous and wild.
[attr="class","species3"]The Undersea
[attr="class","species2"]Farthest south, beneath the waves, lies the Undersea, home to the pearl-encrusted Sunken City. The Undersea fae are a proud people—perhaps too much so, according to some of their counterparts on dry land. They have a matriarchal government; the Undersea is always ruled by a queen, and she does not marry. Instead, her heirs will have many different fathers, whose identities are kept secret. [break][break] The Undersea fae also have an increased talent for casting glamours with their voices. This "siren song" is a learned skill, and it the only kind of glamour that works on other fae as opposed to just mortals. It is taught, among other subjects, at the Institute of Pearls; though this school is less advanced than Iris, the Undersea fae still take great pride in it.
[attr="class","species3"]The High Court
[attr="class","species2"]All of the Faewild is ruled by the High Court, whose power is personified in the High King and Queen. By wearing this crown, they take on the spirit of the Faewild; their hearts beat with the heart of the land. Beware, and choose your words carefully: the fae are a capricious and tricky people, as fickle as they are cunning, and their rulers are the most of all.
The Magic
[attr="class","speciesimage6"]THE MAGIC
[attr="class","species2"]The magic of which the fae are capable falls into three broad categories: Enchantment, Glamours, and Wards.[break] - Enchantment: Enchanting objects. The effects of the magic are tied to the object and will often extend to its user.[break] - Glamours: The most classic form is a sort of “mind control” exerted over mortals. However, this can also involve the creation of illusions.[break] - Wards: ‘Walls’ or ‘barriers’ of magic that protect a person, place, or thing from magic.[break] All fae are capable of all types of magic, to some extent. However, the different Courts have different strengths, and each Court will be stronger during its given season. [break][break] How these specialties present themselves is largely up to the writer, including methods of casting. If you need help with ideas, staff are here to brainstorm with you!
[attr="class","species3"]Seelie Courts
[attr="class","species2"]The North Court is cold and stone and the stillness of the dead, as stoic and stable as the fae ever are. Their magic is resilient but not flashy, less alluring than that of the other courts but more reliable, and dangerous in its slowness—often, by the time its effects are noticed, it is too late. [break][break] The South Court is endless midnight sun and the sticky sweetness of honey, cloying wildflowers and claustrophobic friendliness. Their magic is open and unhidden, generally what it appears to be at face value, but it can turn out to be too much of a good thing.
[attr="class","species3"]Unseelie Courts
[attr="class","species2"]The East Court is bright lights and vibrant colors, a world of beginnings and deceitful poetry. Its magic is tricks and illusions, blinding with glitter and dazzle; nothing here is ever as it seems, and the more you say, the more you lose. [break][break] The West Court is warnings and waning, the end of things and a constant point of transition. Its magic is the kind found in liminal spaces, in change, in anticipation of grief; it will take one thing and make it another, whether the thing is an object, a state of being, or merely one’s expectations.
[attr="class","species3"]The High Court & The Undersea
[attr="class","species2"]The Undersea is destruction and mystery, the kind of danger that allures; the ocean is home to the strangest of monsters, but curiosity drives us to return and return again. Its magic is the magic of the unknown, of breaking down the old, of a peril that is so alluring that it’s impossible to resist. [break][break] All of the Faewild is ruled by the High Court, whose power is personified in the High King or Queen. The bearer of this crown is tied to the land, and as such, the High Ruler is creation—their heart beats with the heart of the land, their blood flows in the rivers and streams and under the meadows; their breath moves with the wind from the northern mountains, and their eyes open and shut with the rising and setting sun. Their magic is the magic of potential.
The System of Governance
[attr="class","speciesimage7"]THE SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE
[attr="class","species3"]The High Court
[attr="class","species2"]As previously noted, Faerie is ruled by the High Court through the person of the High King or Queen—sometimes both. However, this is only to the extent that Faerie can be ruled; it is a land as wild and changeable as its residents, and the whims of both the citizens and the crown can change in an instant. [break][break] The High King and/or Queen has/have a set of advisors, typically 3-7; while they do, in fact, advise on matters of state, some or all of them are typically also the ruler’s lovers. (However, the ruler will generally also have a number of concubines, mistresses, or paramours who serve no role in government.)
[attr="class","species2"]Each of the cardinal courts has an emissary, who will attend specific conferences and events at the High Court, but they don't live there or serve there regularly. As for the Undersea fae, they have their own monarch, in addition to an ambassador who serves in the same capacity as the cardinal emissaries. If needed, the primary ambassador will be accompanied by a small delegation of lesser dignitaries.
[attr="class","species3"]War and Succession
[attr="class","species2"]The High Court also has generals, but there is very little military organization past that point, since fae warfare is very different from the way that mortals make war. Much of it is done behind the scenes, with power trading hands through close combat and individual violence, if any at all. It tends to be a standalone instance with some ulterior motive for two full armies to face off in battle. [break][break] When the High King or Queen dies or is otherwise ousted, the position goes to the oldest blood-related heir, regardless of gender. If there is no heir, then the position goes to the conqueror. If the reigning monarch marries, they can choose to have either a king or queen consort, whose power is extremely limited, or a co-ruler. In the case of two married rulers, if one is ousted or killed, the other remains in power. If there is a question about the legitimacy of a claim to the throne, the Blackthorn Throne itself will choose—but if someone tries to sit on it who is not the blood heir or ultimate conqueror, they will be killed by the throne's branches. [break][break] Succession for the Cardinal Courts is somewhat less strictly governed and involves no murderous furniture, but otherwise proceeds essentially the same way. [break][break] The Undersea is ruled by a queen, and she has supreme authority over her successor. If she chooses to resign and names one of her daughters as queen, she can take the position back at any time. However, if she is killed—for this is the only way to remove her from her throne otherwise—her conqueror and her heir have equally legitimate claims to the throne, as long as the conqueror is female. In this case, the conqueror and the heir will battle in a highly ceremonial duel to the death. The loser's body is not buried, and instead is abandoned to be eaten by the monsters of the deep.
The Iris Academy
[attr="class","speciesimage8"]THE IRIS ACADEMY
[attr="class","species3"]The Seven Schools
[attr="class","species2"]The fae are not a particularly scholarly people, so the goal of the Academy is mainly to teach skills rather than information. Due to this, Iris is separated into seven schools, each with a particular focus, each traditionally serving thirteen students of each gender (26 per school, 182 total). Students at Iris study for a minimum four years, typically ages 13-17, with an optional fifth year to perform research or other hands-on practice. [break][break] School of Magic: This school teaches students to hone their skills with enchantments, wards, and glamours. [break][break] School of Tailoring: This school trains the makers of clothes, as well as those involved in all aspects of beauty—braiding and adorning hair, decorating faces and bodies with pigments and powders, and the like. [break][break] School of Craftsmanship: This school teaches students to craft the necessities of their world, magical and otherwise—carpentry, stonework, architecture, and similar trades. [break][break] School of Forging: This is the third school of the craftsmanship triad, the school that trains makers of jewelry and weapons. [break][break] School of Herbalism: The study of magical plants and their purposes and dangers. (Mostly poisons). [break][break] School of War: This school trains its students in combat, as well as tactics and strategy. [break][break] School of Theory: These are the rare academics among the fae, those who study philosophy and the truths and history of their world.
[attr="class","species3"]The School and Lawns
[attr="class","species2"]The Iris Academy, located within the boundaries of the High Court, is the main place of learning for young fae. It appears rather like a cluster of ruined castles—though, “ruined” here refers to a perfectly weathered appearance similar to that of a purposefully styled messy bun. [break][break] Most walls are open, absent, or at least featuring large windows, through which ivy and vines creep and sunlight illuminates the halls. The walls and floors are heavily decorated with moss, indoors and out, and there is an excess of stone statues and sculptures—all whole and pristine, despite the condition of the building itself. The sprawling grounds and sparring fields resemble meadows more than anything; the grasses are intermixed with groundcover and sprays of small wildflowers.
[attr="class","species3"]The Dormitories
[attr="class","species2"]Iris does have dormitories, in which the majority of the students live; some children of the nobility, however, prefer to stay with their families if they live nearby. Each school has its own building where classes are held, and the dormitories are on the top floor of these buildings, sometimes tucked away in towers. The dormitories for each school are differently decorated according to their craft, but they are all lush and lavish.
[attr="class","species3"]The Classes
[attr="class","species2"]- Enchantment (All schools)[break] - Glamours (All schools)[break] - Wards (All schools)[break] - Combat (All schools)[break] - Powders and Poisons (Herbalism, War, Magic)[break] - Decoration and Design (Tailoring, Craftsmanship, Forging)[break] - Stonework (Craftsmanship, Forging)[break] - History (War, Theory, Magic)[break] - Philosophy (Magic, Theory)[break] - Art and Adornment (Herbalism, Tailoring, Craftsmanship)[break] - Strategy and Tactics (War, Theory)[break] - Foraging (Herbalism)[break] - Armorcraft (Tailoring, Forging)